Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lord save us from ourselves....

I really don't know how to put my feelings into words, but I guess I need to give it a try. I am saddened when someone from the Christian community speaks so arrogantly about an issue. We speak as if the word of God was given to us and we so completely understand it, and look down on any of those who do not. Instead of plainly stating God's position on a particular sin, we pronounce judgement on people.

Any understanding that I have of scripture is straight from God. It is not from my own wisdom. If someone is living contrary to scripture, it is because they are in the drivers seat and they have not released control to God. They cannot see truth, because it is only through the Holy Spirit that we receive understanding.

Even knowing that, we continue to treat people as though they are less than ourselves. Instead of sharing God's truth in love, we bludgeon them with it. We get on our soapbox and proclaim God truth as if it were our own. We act as if their sin is an affront to ourselves, and not God. We choose to overlook that all sin theirs, mine and all of ours fall into that category.

When you look into the mirror, do you use the same tone of condemnation for your own sin that you use with the world?

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