I am sitting here trying to figure out how to move forward. I feel weighed down with the decisions and tasks that I have to do, and it keeps me rooted to the spot. As I try to find a starting point it came to me that what I really need to do is reboot.
It all started with a devotional I read about defragmentation. It is a computer term about how information may be stored in free space that may not be together. When the information is fragmented, the computer gets bogged down. So to speed things up you have to defragment, or basically group the information together. That is how I felt....fragmented.
Then I remembered what my IT guy always says when I am having computer problems, "Did you reboot?". Sometimes that simple step is enough to bring our computer back to the starting point. To get back to the place where it will function normally. That is the place where I am today, trying to reboot. But how do I do that is the question?
When you reboot it is intended to restart the operating system on your computer. The operating system is the set of software that controls the overall operations. So, I am thinking what is my operating system? What is controlling my overall operation? My first thought was that God should be my operating system. Then I figured that if He was running things, I would not be feeling like this.
I think I am getting closer, so I get out the manual and start looking for answers. I have not found it yet, but I know it is there. Maybe finding "the" answer will not be the outcome. Maybe it is just looking for the answer is what will bring me to the place I need to be. I sure hope so, because I have not found my restart button yet.