Saturday, April 11, 2009

Praise God from whom all blessings flow...

Tomorrow is Easter, and the end of my Lenten experiment. So for the last day of writing in this blog, I decided to go to the end of the Easter story. In Matthew 28:1-10 two women came to the tomb that morning, and found the stone rolled away. An angel spoke to them, and told them that Christ is risen from the dead. When they went to go and tell the disciples, Jesus Himself appeared to the women. They immediately fell at His feet and worshiped Him.

As a woman, I am thankful for this example in God's word. It was two women who first saw Jesus that resurrection morning. It reminds me that while the Bible is filled with great men of God, there were women that He used for His good purposes also.

It reminds me, that God can use this woman for His good purposes. "For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37

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