For the past two weeks I have been telling preschool and Kindergarten students about the Prodigal Son. The story of the younger son who leaves his family, loses everything and comes home to his fathers love and forgiveness. As I told the story, I was so struck by the outpouring of love from the Father, that I had a hard time getting through the end of the story the first time I told them.
I put myself in the young man's shoes. Depressed, dejected and with nothing left. No money, clothes in shreds and no pride. I pictured him walking home, not even aware of his surroundings, as he walked down the road that was so familiar. The road he had travelled many times as a favored son, but now as little more than a beggar. When I told the kids of the fathers reaction, how he had watched for his son, and when he was "still far off" the father ran out to meet him. How the father tells his son that he is so happy, because it was like his son was lost, but now he is found. I could have cried right then. Unfortunately, the kids frown on their teacher crying in front of them, so I was able to get it together and croak out the final words.
I was amazed again that this is God's love. Watching for our moment of clarity, when we realize that we need more than ourselves. He then springs into action to meet us in the midst of our need. He does not wait till we are "good" enough to be in His presence, He wades out into our mess and pulls us to Himself.
That is important to me, you see I was once "lost" too. Today, I saw the baptism of many more of us who were once lost, but now are found. It was an interesting group, there were men, women and children. Some came with childlike faith, or the conviction to align themselves with Christ. There were some though, who looked like they truly knew what horror God had saved them from. It was encouraging to see such a wonderful mix of people.
You see it does not matter what we look like, we are all at one time lost. The question is do we allow ourselves to ever found?
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