I am a week late for the start of Lent, but I never said that I had to adhere to the rules that govern most people during this time period. Heck, our church doesn't even celebrate Lent. So here I am, a week late, but excited to see the things that God is doing. While I thought about how I was going to celebrate this year, I was really torn. You see, I do not typically give up anything for Lent, but instead try to add something of worth or strive to work on something that God has already impressed upon my heart. So this year I was somewhat confused, I really could not pin down what was going to be my focus. I thought about time and how I do a horrible job of managing the time I have when I am not working. I will waste so much time just watching TV or surfing through Facebook or the internet. Time that if I would just think about it, I would rather use for writing.
For me, writing is an act of worship. I had actually said that to a couple of people this past week, and I truly believe it. Then it hit me in the shower, that if writing is a form of worship and maybe even the best way I worship, I was really screwing up. I hadn't really written anything in a long time. So what did that say about my worship? At this point, if I were Catholic, I would have to go to confession. So maybe instead of time, my focus would be on writing. I would flesh out my blog and make changes, add pictures and make it into one of those cool blogs that cool people do. It was then that God reminded me, that I am less cool than I would like to think. Well that blew that thought out of the water. So as I tried to find my focus for Lent, I went to a "worship" night. There was music, dancing, a few stories and some prayer. It was really nice, but even more importantly, I think I found my focus.
While there I spoke with some women that I don't usually see during the week. I was excited to see them, and spoke with both of them about some things that were happening in their lives. Afterwards, both of these ladies spoke to me about how I had encouraged them that night. Now, i do not take credit for that, because I know that it is a gift from God. I mean really, my blood type is B+, even my blood is encouraging. Maybe that was my focus for this Lent? Encouragement. Whether it was something I will write, or making contact by mail, email or phone, I can encourage those around me. To do this I know I will be writing, and to write, I will need to use my time wisely. And though my focus will be to encourage others, I know that through that God will use this time to encourage me. And that is a payoff I cannot refuse!!
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