Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What I saw in the box.

Lent is over. Easter is over for that matter, but I have finally come to end my Lenten blog. I am a couple of days late, but I do not believe in coincidences, so I am thinking that I am late for a reason. I was surprised the week before Easter by my co-workers. They had generously gathered up cans and packaged food to add onto my donation as a surprise to me. I was very surprised!! It is hard to keep secrets in our office, but they did a great job this time. I was touched by their kindness, and excited that I would have a full box of food to donate to Lemoore Christian Aid.

Isn't that what is all about? Each of us doing something that seperately is good, but collectively is amazing. That is the message I saw in that box.

Like I said earlier, I don't believe in coincidences. Within the last five days there have been tragic events that have affected two small communities in our area. Each story is filled with pain and the loss of life way before their time. In the aftermath we are seeing people from the small towns that are right next to each other, rise up to support families they don't even know from neighborhoods where they don't even live. Many people doing a little bit to help, that put together with everyone else is becoming amazing.

This will not wipe away the pain of loss that these families must face. What we pray is that the help they receive will give them the ability to put their focus where it really belongs. To the business of mourning and eventually healing.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So it is Wednesday morning and I have done my duty. I was in Monterey on Monday all day, as a chaperon with my son's school. So when I went back to work on Tuesday, I was planning on delivering my can. At about 10:30 my husband sent me an email and asked if I had made sure going to lunch at 12:30 would be good. I then checked with my co-worker to make sure that we had no conflict, and emailed my husband that I was good to go later that morning.

I was so thankful for his reminder! I know that I would not have had a problem on Tuesday, but his gentle reminder made sure of that fact. It reminded me of what this whole thing is about, and that is encouragement. I am not much different than most people. I work, try to care for my family and try to honor God. Not necessarily in that order, and with varying degrees of success. Sometimes though I need help. I believe that it is why this whole blog thing started in the first place.

We all need a little encouragement from time to time, and sometimes that just may be a reminder to do, what you know you need to do. Maybe it is time spent with a friend sharing laughter, wisdom and maybe some tears. It could be simple, or maybe even a little difficult, but I would "encourage" you to seek out those opportunities. I am sitting here laughing because even as I write this, I know of someone I need to see. God has put her on my heart for the past couple of days. So I am going to end this, and send her a message now so I do not forget. Hopefully some of the encouragement that I have received in the past few days, I can give to her. If all else fails, I know I can always bring chocolate.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I have been distracted lately. Or maybe it is a matter of not being focused?

I have chosen to specifically to take my can on Monday to the organization I support. The reason behind choosing a specific day, was the thought that I need to be intentional about this project. There are so many things that distract you during the week, that I felt the need to make this a priority. Well this week showed me just how true that is.

I did not get to Lemoore Christian Aid until Thursday of last week. It was a combination of car trouble, not being prepared, being forgetful and not being intentional. Everything I was afraid of squeezed into one week. So on Wednesday I talked with my husband and vented how frustrated I was with myself. I wanted to do the right thing, but had so much trouble doing it. What was the difference this week? I know some of the things were out of my control, but a little laziness and lack of communication got me into trouble. My car could have been taken care of on Saturday, but instead I put it off till Tuesday, and that cost me a day. Not checking with the ladies in my office about their schedules, cost me another.

It makes me sad that I can be so easily sidetracked from something that is important to me. It also makes me glad that God does not leave me there. So He picks me up, gives me a pop in the noggin and steers me back in the right direction. How long will I last this time? I am not sure, but I hope the distractions will become fewer and the stretches of clarity will finally become how I truly live my life.