Sunday, March 22, 2009


I was late for church this morning. I am usually there early and sit in the same vicinity every Sunday. Well this morning I dawdled getting ready and so, was later than usual, because of that I wound up in the back on the corner of the aisle. As I sat there, one of the ladies in the church walked past me and as she did, she reached out and just touched my shoulder. As soon as she did, I just felt a rush of warmth. It was like God was again talking to me about personal touch, connections between people, and how that means something.

What does it mean? What is the bond that is created? What can God do through the bonds we create between each other? I am not exactly sure what the answers are, but I know when God says things time after time, He is trying to tell me something. So I am going to try and listen and keep quiet so that I can hear...

1 comment:

Mike Mendoza said...

Very nice!! Yes that makes a lot of sense!! :)