Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have been dealing with God possibly leading me out of children's ministry. dealing and leading are the same word with 2 letters switched...weird. Anyway, today I told God that if He is leading me away from children's ministry, that I will try and be obedient. And even more than that, I would not look to make sure there was something else waiting for me. Why would He move me without having another place for me to serve? That is what I was wondering, but it was like He was saying, that not knowing may be part of the journey.

I am not even sure this is where He is leading. So I am praying...and others are praying about it. It does not fill me with joy, it is kind of scary. I have been in children's ministry for 17 years. God is good, and has given me gifts to use in this area. Some of them are fantastic, giving me the ability to translate God's word to 4 year old speak. He also gives me the willingness to be very silly, and they love it. So this of course makes me feel great!! So He wants me to leave that? A ministry that I identify with so strongly? And leading me where? To something that I don't do well? Or that I have to learn? Doesn't He know how old I am....

"You of little faith"....He reminds me that I still have so far to go. That my identity is not even what He does through me, but through the simple fact that He loves me. For God so loved the world.....

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