Friday, March 13, 2009

Desperate ...and liking it.....

I have had some desperate moments this week, and although that may not sound good, it has been a blessing. It started last Friday, when I was feeling so ineffective at work, and just cried out to God to give me the ability to do what was needed. This has been a good week for me, I still have a lot of work that needs be done, but I am not at the end of my rope like last Friday.

So I started bringing to God the other things issues that I cannot handle on my own. I mean, I do pray about them, but not always with the same acknowledgment, that I will never have victory in those areas without God making it happen. The great thing about that desperation was it brought me to seeking God's help. Seeking specific words that I need to hear in His word.

He brought me to 1 Samuel 30:6. It is a bad time for David. The city had been raided and the women and children taken captive. Those who were left were suffering under unbearable grief. The people were bitter, talking trash about David and even speaking of stoning him. It says that "David was greatly distressed", but David looked past his own grief and "strengthened himself in the Lord his God". He was desperate, but knew who to take his desperation to.

That is how I felt this week, I took my desperation to God. And as I gave Him the fears and frustrations I have, He took them and gave me hope that He could see the work through to the end. He again reminded me of His past faithfulness, and how even now I could look forward to celebrating an outcome that wasn't even here yet. That kind of hope gave me a joy this week that was overflowing...spilling out in huge smiles and lots of silliness. It does not get any better than least not for me.

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