I have started reading my new book, and was struck immediately by one the first points. He started speaking about the "kingdom of heaven", that how we expect to live in heaven is how we should start living now.
That makes an impression with me, because months ago I heard Jim Carrey speaking about a book by a man by the last name of Tolle. Neither the book nor Tolle interest me, it was not written with God in mind. Not that I only read Christian viewpoints, but I think I got the gist of what he advocates and it does not jive with God. I was interested by a statement Jim Carrey made about heaven. He said "he is heaven", not the "christian" version of heaven obviously, but a heaven of living the best he can. Not a philosophy I ascribe to, but I thought it was admirable for someone who doesn't know God.
As I thought about it later, it made me sad. I started to think about how I would live in heaven, so I looked to the bible and see what it said. God led me to Matthew 6:33, where Jesus talks of "seeking first His kingdom". Then to Matthew 6:10 where Jesus tells us to pray for the "kingdom to come", for God's "will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". I tried to think, how is God's will is done in heaven? I could only picture that His will would be done immediately with joy and thanksgiving. I thought of how different that picture was from how I do His will. Slowly, with questions and complaining. Wow, what a horrible picture I present!!
So I try to picture myself walking those streets of gold now, ready to jump and do God's will. More often than not though, my feet seem to be stuck in the miry clay of this earth, sucking me down and holding me back. I do have hope though, nothing is impossible with God. He can lift me up and get me back on the road I need to be. Praise God for His grace!
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